A Tale of Two Cities…Part 1: Berlin

Written by Travel Trek & Tour Contributor, July 8, 2011

A city formerly divided, both figuratively and literally, by a giant concrete wall now adorned with art and graffiti from all over the globe…A city formerly divided by clashing political ideologies and philosophies…but no longer. Today Berlin is a city united both by its past and its present. The wall now stands only as a symbol of the past – of what has been and what no longer is – a constant reminder of both Berlin and Germany’s tumultuous history. But this is not a story of that history, rather this is a story of the present, a tale of the vibrant, creative and interesting city that is Berlin.

Walking through the side streets and main streets of Berlin, it is easy to see why this city has become a haven for artists, the not-so underground party-goers, intellectuals and tourists alike. This is because walking down any random street is like walking through a pop art exhibit, complete with bumping base undertones emanating from almost every corner and neon-clothed partyers celebrating to the wee hours of the morning all the while being surrounded by a plethora of cafes, restaurants, museums and galleries.

Walking through the side streets and main streets of Berlin, it is easy to see why this city has become a haven for artists, the not-so underground party-goers, intellectuals and tourists alike. This is because walking down any random street is like walking through a pop art exhibit, complete with bumping base undertones emanating from almost every corner and neon-clothed partyers celebrating to the wee hours of the morning all the while being surrounded by a plethora of cafes, restaurants, museums and galleries.

First stop on anyone’s travel planner in Berlin should be the infamous Berlin Wall (of course!) Although the city is littered with its remains, the main section of the wall remains intact in the area of Ostkreutz-a vibrant, formerly East German area of the city complete with cafes, bars and 48-hour party venues. The walk along the wall is long, but never boring. As aforementioned, the wall has been preserved with art from local and global artists alike. Think: giant outdoor pop art exhibit with a political history. While exploring this section of the city, however, one cannot ignore all the other street art and graffiti that dots the Berlin landscape. Virtually no corner or wall has been left untouched, particularly in one graffiti park I personally managed to stumble upon in the area of  Warshauerstrasse. But if street style isn’t your style and the history of the city is of great interest, then the DDR Museum is the place to go. Complete with actual objects from the former Communist regime, including a Trabant car, this interactive exhibit gives a very good depiction of what life under the Communist regime was really like. The museum is also located near Museum Island, that features some of Berlin’s most famous historical museums-it’s your one-stop-shop for anything ancient and ornate.Yet another amazing outdoor exhibit is the newly reconstructed Topography of Terror, which documents the rise and fall of the Nazi Regime. Not for the faint of heart, but something everyone should see in order to remember the horrors that befell people during the Nazi reign.

Aside from graffiti, art, and history Berlin also features a wealth of amazing restaurants. Rosenthaller Bar and Grill in Rosenthaller Platz offers personal pizzas starting at a mere 3.90EU (trust me in Europe this is a steal!) along with other grilled and baked goodies. As a result of the city’s large Turkish population, shawarma stands can be found virtually everywhere along with beer gardens and cafes that feature both German as well as international cuisine. Germany is famous for its beer and schnitzel (a breaded and fried pork cutlet) and many of the restaurants in Berlin clearly reflect this national culinary tradition. Surprisingly, however, Asian food also seems to be popular. Transit restaurant, which features a lower priced but equally delicious fusion menu is sure to satisfy any thai/vietnamese craving, also located in Rosenthaller Platz, a trendy area with shops, cafes, bars, hotels and hostels.

On Sundays, any vintage lover simply cannot miss the Mauerpark flea market, which features everything from food to vintage furniture, clothes and other random, yet charming, nick-nacks. Aside from all the vintage commodities another bonus of Mauerpark is the traditional  “Crazy Karaoke” which happens near the market every Sunday, weather permitting. Apperantly a local Berliner started this tradition and it has lasted ever since. A karaoke machine is set-up in front of colleseum-style seating and those brave enough can sign up and wail their favourite songs. A perfect way to spend a Sunday in the city.

As mentioned, Berlin is a city of art. Photography, painting, sculpture, you name it and it has got it! One gallery especially worth mentioning that combines photography with biography is the Helmut Newton Foundation, which features the life and work of the Berlin-born fashion photographer. The space is filled with most of Helmut Newton’s famous photographs, movies, scrapbooks and a replica of his home in Monaco. The observer can stroll through Mr. Newton’s famous collection of polaroids, get a glimpse of his most prized possessions and watch several of his movies. A “must” for any fan of photography, fashion or art.

An this brings an end to the first installment of the “Tale of Two Cities”. Stay tuned for the second part which will feature another post-Communist city: Bratislava.